Meet Michael Myers, The HypnoMedMan


Michael Myers

Michael has been doing meditation since 1973 on a daily basis. He has travled the world doing meditation courses from many teachers and traditions and has studied and experienced most of the known meditations, He has been to India twice with 2 different teachers and has taken many advanced techinques in meditation making his own experience very deep and rich to give you an experience that few could. He knows the nuts and bolts of how to meditate, why to meditate and what to do to trouble shoot the difficulties in your meditation. The end result is a wonderfu,l blissful experience of meditation. You learn and understand the physics and science behind meditation. This too enriches your experience of the state of meditation.

The technique is so easy you learn it by doing it the first time...that's how easy it is. Then you are there in the class with others doing the meditation. The class is only 35 minutes to keep it easy for the busiest person's schedule. For those who want and choose the community aspect of the group they come alittle early and stay afterwards to share experience. The purpose of sharing the experience is to make them more tangilble... they were experienced outside of 3rd demenions and sharing brings your experience back into 3rd dimension.

Contact Michael

Palm Desert, California
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